Monday, June 6, 2011

Great start to a (hopefully) awesome week!

So, today Lichen came into school with me to bestow some of her godly talent to some of the underclassmen. And she was super super sweet and stayed over to help me study for the next part of my math final the night before! I just felt bad that I was totally uncommunicable this morning. *Sighs* not a morning person.

TOMORROW! is the senior trip! A lot of people are pretty bummed where we're going, but I'm just glad we're GOING somewhere. Besides, I've been to the place before, and it's actually really really fun. Sounds like a good day.

Wednesday... is technically our last school day. I have the last bit of my math final (which hopefully, shouldn't be too bad) and then, yeah. It's pretty nauseating that I'm pretty much done with high school. WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Thursday? PROM. Need I say more? Actually, we have to come in for the first four periods, and then the seniors can leave to get ready. Heads up; some TMI: I've recently got a LOT of bug bites from an outside party I went to over the weekend, and my friend recommended rubbing alcohol to get rid of them. Apparently, it worked for her. Well, here goes nothing.

Friday? Somethingerother for after-prom. Bahahaha, I'm not even sure what I'm doing yet.

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